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The Apollos are an upcoming duo formed through friendship. Alex Lacasse and Kellen Pomeranz have creatively composed themselves into a band worth talking about through their first single “LOST MYSELF” out on Spotify and iTunes now!


With new music popping up everywhere, they have already gotten publicity from sites like rBeatz and SOM Magazine where they are raved about from a local fanbase. What’s to come for the two, Alex, a native from Ottawa, Canada, and Kellen, a Northwestern Graduate student, are bound to be endless since they have been friends for over a decade.


Their music can be described as pop which is clearly an understatement as the two have created a sound that is soulfully tracked. “LOST MYSELF” could be a gateway drug for the future and immerse one into the world of these indie artists. Kellen, who I have met and lived with the past summer, is one of the writers behind the hit song “Velvet” performed by Chris Jamison from team Adam Levine on NBC’s The Voice. Jamison went on to finish third in the finale though the song will forever be a first in the eyes of the public. Pomeranz has a strong background in producing and it only adds to Alex Lacasse’s vocals.


Lacasse is widely known for his YouTube Channel (@alexlacassemusic) and has topped #31 on the Canadian radio charts with his hit song "Like This, Like That.” He is also an accredited writer for the works of Chris Jamison along with writer Elof Loelv for the NBC contestant. I was able to catch a glimpse of Alex’s personality last summer in New York and I can say he has an outgoing work ethic. Check out his VEVO single “My Girl” and see his aspirations of becoming a popstar from the start.


“LOST MYSELF” by The Apollos can be viewed below and streamed from iTunes, SoundCloud, and Spotify!




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